Simply White Floral Arrangement

Simply White Floral Arrangement


  • A favorite in any season, this stunning white bouquet of hydrangea, roses and sedum blossoms lifts the spirit and brightens any space. You'll be amazed at the handcrafted flowers in this bouquet; they look so real, no one will ever know they are faux! 

  • Approx. 20”H x 12”W

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I Do Floral Arrangement

I Do Floral Arrangement

from $65.00
Grand Love Floral Arrangement Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 1.11.50 PM.png

Grand Love Floral Arrangement

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Berry Branches Floral Arrangement

Berry Branches Floral Arrangement

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Plants for Life Floral Arrangement

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Roses are Red Floral Arrangement
